South Hill Village, 91 Fort Couch Rd. (Fri., Sat.); Highland Park: 5655 Bryant St. (Mon. to Thur.) 412-419-6866
Acupuncture Clinic in Bethel Park, Pa
Acupuncture and TCM has been practiced in China for more than 5,000 years. Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medical technique for unblocking qi by inserting needles at particular acupoints on the body to balance the opposing forces of yin and yang. Pittsburgh, Bethel Park, McMurray, Bridgeville. Qi is an energy that allegedly permeates all things. It is believed to flow through the body along 14 main pathways called meridians. When yin and yang are in harmony the qi flows freely within the body and a person is healthy, Acupuncture, TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture clinic, acupuncturist, Chinese Acupuncture .When a person is sick, diseased, or injured, there is an obstruction of qi along one or more of these meridians. Traditional Chinese medicine has identified some 500 specific points where needles are inserted for specific effects. Acupuncture is able to improve our health and illness by stimulating certain acupuncture points which are on body "meridian systems". Acupuncture, TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture clinic, acupuncturist, Chinese Acupuncture. Traditionally these areas or acupoints are stimulated by thin fine sterile needles. Many other forms of alternative therapies can be incorporated into an acupuncture treatment, including the use of Chinese Herbal Medicine, electro-stimulation, moxa (heat), cupping, massage and lasers.
Chinese Medicine & Acupuncturist in Bethel Park, Pa
Through acupuncture’s actions on the nervous system, acupuncture can help you heal both mental and physical health issues. Acupuncture, TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture clinic, acupuncturist, Chinese Acupuncture In fact, it is helpful to think of acupuncture as physical therapy for the nerves. Pittsburgh, Bethel Park, McMurray. Through a series of sessions, often similar in frequency and duration to physical therapy, acupuncture can be extremely helpful for a range of health conditions. Acupuncture, TCM, Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupuncture clinic, acupuncturist, Chinese Acupuncture Many of our Pittsburgh, Pa acupuncture clients suffer from a common set of issues that can be divided into several areas:
Acupuncture Facelift
Back Pain
Cough & Bronchitis
Fever & Coughs
Headaches & Migraines
Neck & Shoulder Pain
Skin Complaints
Sport Injuries